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​Ḵ̓ap̓igoła Ni'nox̱sola

October 2022

Jolene and I applied for the Island Health Community Wellness Grant to organize Elders Luncheons with Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw, Quatsino, and 'Namgis Nations.

This grant was applied to bring Elders together after years of COVID-19, not seeing each other besides at funeral or celebrations of life. We wanted to ensure that our Elders saw their friends again.

April 2023

Jolene and I got confirmation from Island Health we received the Grant for nearly the max allotable. unfortunately because it was more on a quarterly basis we received the money, we stuck to planning for a long period of 

November 2023

Following the success of the event. We not only had the 4 nations we were working with attend with their elders, we were joined by outside nations - like Campbell River and Cape Mudge.

We knew that we needed to get an extension on the grant timeline since we were running behind schedule hosting the first one in mid-Fall 2023.

We received an extension to August 2024.

Augsut 2024

It has been a pleasure writing this grant with Jolene, and working on the first two luncheons. However, as of Augsut 9, 2024 I will no longer be working with the Kwakiutl and no longer able to lead this final lunch we will be hosting on the 21st.

I have arranged almost everything needed for the luncheon, and look forward to seeing the final result - and possibly be able to attend from my new job.


Jolene who lives with Maggie, one of our Elders, asked her opinion on what to call this lunch in Kwak̓wala

Maggie knew that "ḵ̓ap̓ig̱uxw'id" meant gathering together, a group of people, and that "nog̱ad" was about being wise. She wasn't sure how to put the two together to create a good word.

Sara Child helped us with this problem by translating "gathering of wise people" to be Ḵ̓ap̓igoła Ni'nox̱sola.

October 25, 2023

With Jolene leaving us for GNHFS, I took on the lead for the project with Chelsea as my co-lead and support.

We rescheduled the lunch from September to October due to external reasons. This had been rescheduled to Octobet 25, 2023 at the Port Hardy Civic Centre.

'Walas 'Na̱mugwis, Chief David Knox, opened us up in a beautiful welcoming. He acknowledge our territory̱ acknowledged the wonderful wise people in our prescene, and how we could look towards keeping their knowledge for future generations.

‘Walas Gwa̱'ya̱m. Chief Richard Dawson was our MC for the day. He also welcomed us in a beautiful way, acknowledging the hardships of COVID, losing lifelong friends and not being able to attend their service, etc.

Mabel & Winnie catered a beautiful lunch for about 250 people. Full of yummy traditional foods.

We were forunate to have Exe-mi-xi School and Fort Rupert Elementary School join us with some fo their students to serve and support the event.

G̱ilakas'la to all who attended.

April 3, 2024

Our second luncheon took place on April 3, 2024 at the Port Hardy Civic Centre.

'Walas 'Na̱mugwis, Chief David Knox, opened us up in a beautiful welcoming again. Similar messaging about the importance of learning from our Elders to continue the knowledge to future generations.

With Walas Gwa̱'ya̱m. Chief Richard Dawson unable to MC for us this time, we asked Gix̱sistalisa̱me Wakas, Chief Willie Walkus to MC for us. Willie brought laughter to his role, from introducing the openers, to announcing the door prize winners.

We would like to thank Jolene and her A̱nis Support program for donating about $1500 in door prizes for our Elders to enjoy.

Overall it was a beautiful turkey & ham lunch by Mabel & Winnie in honour of Easter which just passed before the luncheon.

G̱ilakas'la to all who attended.

Augsut 21, 2024

The third and final luncheon will take place on august 21, 2024 in the Tsax̱is Gukwdzi (Fort Rupert Big House).

We, the Kwagu'ł, look foward to hosting this luncheon in our home territory.

Mabel will be catering a wonderful traditional food and roast beed lunch with plenty of sides to choose from.

'Walas 'Na̱mugwis, Chief David Knox is scheduled to be the opening from our 'G̱ig̱ame again.

Calvin Hunt is scheduled to be our MC for the day.

Jessie Newman, Registered Dietician from Island Health, is our scheduled presenter for the day.

We have some door prizes this time - 2 are homemade from Tina Henderson of Blunden Harbour Designs.

We look forward to seeing everyone..

Gathering of Wise People Desgins by Jean Bell

See the design created for the Gathering of Wise People.


Designed by Jean Bell co-lead of the Ḵ̓ap̓igoła Ni'nox̱sola Project.



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